
Archive for April, 2015

I’m writing this on Maundy Thursday, 2015.   This is the day our Christ had his last earthly Passover Seder.  It is the day that he prayed in Gethsemene for the cup to pass from Him.  He knew what grief and pain and horror lay in his path.  He knew exactly what was coming.  Each tang of the lash, each piercing of each thorn, the thudding tears of the nails as they hammered into his flesh.   He knew it.   He begged to be released.

Wrestling with chronic pain I always feel especially close to the man Jesus on this day, and especially in awe of the God Christ.

That’s why the ear has taken on such significance in my life.

Picture it.  He knows that these people are coming to take him to not just death but wracking physical, emotional and spiritual pain the likes of which none of us will ever taste–because God never forsakes us.    These soldiers coming through the trees were there to bring him to certain agony.

Peter, whose temper is much like mine, grabs a sword and hacks off the ear of one of the soldiers.  Slices is right off.  He’s defending God.

So what does Jesus do?  He picks up the ear and heals it.   He heals the man who has come to drag him to his death.

And then he follows the soldier.   And then he suffers.   And then he dies.

He HEALS the man who stands against him.

I’m not going to draw any direct parallels to my own life or the lives of others, because if I start I don’t stop.  But I think of that every time some scenario comes up where I feel challenged to defend my beliefs in any form or forum.

Do I slash the ear off or do I stand aside and let Him do the healing?   He’s Alive and I’m forgiven.  So I endeavour to stand aside.

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